On Wednesday, while my hubby and I were out of town, my daughter was in a car wreck. A bad one. We're talking air bags deployed, ambulance, hospitals. She will be in the hospital for several days while the doctors watch her carefully due to a spleen injury and bad concussion. Thank goodness for air bags!!! She is alive but bruised and scraped up. According to the police report, another vehicle blew through a stop sign right in front of her. Her four-month-old car is totally smashed up. But we are very thankful our daughter will be okay.
Right after the hit, our daughter called us to say she had been in an accident. She was upset and nearly incoherent. Then our call was cut off. We tried calling back and there was no answer. Can you imagine how frantic we were? We called the friend she was staying with to alert her, but we didn't know where the accident occurred or how bad it was. Finally a policeman answered one of our repeated calls. She was in an ambulance headed to the hospital. Our friend stuck with our daughter through the whole emergency care, called us with updates, and spent the night with her. We are very thankful for our caring friend!
Also, our nephew's son was born this morning. He's a healthy nine-pound-plus baby. Mother and baby are doing well.
Thanksgiving all around, indeed.
So, naturally, I'm not thinking about sewing or flying right now. I hope you all had a much less eventful Thanksgiving!